Origin Of The Neutral Cable And The Definition Of Phase and Grounding Cables

Origin Of The Neutral Cable In The Electrical System

In the electricity distribution system, the voltage from the power plant to the consumer is so large that it is not possible to use it for home needs. Therefore, it requires a process of lowering the voltage from the primary voltage (20 kv) to the secondary voltage (380/220 Volt). in this process, of course, requires an electrical device to mediate the process of lowering the voltage and the electrical device is a step down transformer or commonly called a distribution transformer. as a result of the process of lowering the voltage in the distribution transformer, it causes an imbalance in the electrical load in the phases to produce neutral. the higher the imbalance value, the greater the resulting neutral.

installation of distribution transformers with 3 phase wiring system
Transformer Distribusi
so that to maintain the performance of the transformer from the imbalance, the transformer needs prevention in the form of a grounding system on the body and neutral on the distribution transformer so that the neutral generated does not exceed the required capacity and remains stable and efficient in use.

Definition Of Neutral Cable In Electrical System

Neutral cable in an electrical system is an electric cable that has a very low voltagse until it is almost close to or equal to ZERO. This cable serves to complete the electrical circuit and facilitate the flow where the electric current flows. In general, the Neutral Cable is identical to the color Blue, this cable is often used in a series of lighting electrical installations such as socket installations, lamps and some electronic equipment such as Air Conditionare.

The role of the Neutral Cable in the electrical system 

  • as an electric voltage balancer
  • as a return path for electric charge
  • as an electricity flow facility 

Definition Of Phase Cables In Electrical Systems
In a low voltage electrical system, of course, it is no stranger to us to hear the terms phase and neutral, whether it is in a 3-phase electrical system (380 Volt voltage) or 1 phase voltage (220 volts).
The phase cable itself is an electrical cable that has an electric charge or voltage. This type of phase cable has a varying electrical voltage, for Indonesia itself Phase cables installed in homes or buildings have a voltage of 380 volts for 3 phase electrical systems and 220 volts for 1 phase electrical systems.
According to the color of the wiring, the phase cable has various types of cable colors such as red, black, and gray.
For a 3-phase electrical system, the phase cable color consists of the R-S-T sequence:
Phase 1 (R): generally red in color
Phase 2 (S): Generally yellow
Phase 3 (T): generally black in color
Neutral (N): Generally Blue in Color
Grounding (PE): generally colored Green strip.
while the wiring color at 220 volts generally uses red or black cable color as a phase cable.

Definition of Grounding Cable
Grounding cable is an electrical cable in an electrical installation system that functions to channel electric current into the ground. The electric current flowed into the ground comes from installation failures or electrical short circuits that touch the body of electronic devices, electrical panels and electrical components in the electrical installation system. the characteristics of grounding cables generally have a green strip color and / or 
the application of a grounding system in an installation both home and industry provides many benefits to the electrical system installed in the user's home. one of the benefits is to protect the electrical system due to an electrical short circuit and minimize the risk of electric shock hazard to the user.

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